REF: 10759

5 longues lettres de la poétesse anglaise Kathleen Raine à son éditeur français.

Kathleen Raine (Ilford, 1908/2003)
Poétesse britannique, elle est l'une des fondatrices de la Temenos Academy.

Type de document : lettres dactylographiées signées (4) et carte autographe signée

Nb documents : 5 - Nb pages : 8 - Format : In-4 et in-8

Lieu : Chelsea

Date : 1983-[1991]

Destinataire : François-Xavier Jaujard (1946/1996), traducteur et éditeur.

Etat : une lettre avec quelques brunissures

Description :

Longues lettres amicales principalement consacrées à la traduction de ses poèmes. "Back from a chilly few days at Dartington Hall I find your letter and knowing how time is short I have been rather quickly through your translation of Jeremy's AIR. It is a lovely poem and seems to come out well in French. One of its beauties is the use of the unexpected but perfect word, and sometimes it is not possible to find a French equivalent - as for the "twitch of their pole" and "wing-pull" and "aftermath of hooves". I find "ails fortes" rather weak - restoring an obvious for highly discriminative word ; would something like "ailes tendues" be possible, or something of that kind? "La tension de la flèche" doesn't I think quite correspond to Jeremy's meaning "spasm (or crispation) de leur pôle" seems to be the meaning [...]". Dans sa derrière letter, elle remercie Jaujard de son investissement pour faire diffuser son oeuvre. "It gave me great pleasure to open a packet containing the first example of Royaume du Silence and to find on its cover names of so many friends, but above all you own. You have done so much for me to make my work known in France [...]".

Trois lettres à l'en-tête de Temenos. Enveloppes jointes.
